Why Stock Show Awards?
Our stock show life started only 11 years ago when my two youngest children (now 18 & 19) were old enough to join the local 4-H Club. During our Club years, my daughter jumped in full force with showing, judging, stockman's contests, and anything else livestock related she could get her hands on. We went from one market lamb to all four species & breeding ewes -even two rams. We still have ewes, but her showing days are over.

In our travels, we met amazing people, breeders, judges, and staff who all became close friends. If you know anything about the show circuits & stock show life, I don't have to tell you the kind of friends you make on the road. For those that don't have that experience, it is like having extended family you can call on for anything -all over the country.
Because of my daughter's involvement, not only did I learn so much about livestock and the show world, I became a 4-H lamb project leader, and then a 4-H Cloverbud leader. I helped with local shows behind the scenes, and then helped launch an amazing jackpot show. With my daughter "retired" from the stock show world, I found that making unique awards for other youth coming up in the livestock community was extremely gratifying. Not only do I get to make their awards, but I picture their faces when they receive their award, and I put all of the love and care I can into each award.

We always keep in mind the awesome kid who is going to grin ear to ear when they are presented with the award. Whether it is in the ring, or at the end of year celebration. This is a labor of love, and we have invested quite a bit into equipment to make items that we are proud of, and we know your exhibitors will be proud to receive
Best of all, we enjoy working with show promoters, volunteers, and leaders to come up with awards unique to your show. It's so much fun to make your visions come to life.

Why livestock awards? Because once showing
is part of your life, you realize the impact it has on the youth of today, and there is nothing better to invest your time and money in than our youth -especially a kid who gets up before the sun, feeds their animals before themselves, skips the after
school fun to come home and work, and will sit in the barn at 3am waiting on the next baby to show up. These kids are special, and we know it. We want our awards to be just as special to them.
Maybe that's not a real "answer" to why.... but if you know, you know, and the why never has to be explained.
