From where I began to where to begin
Updated: Jan 16, 2021
I started this little adventure almost exactly a year ago. Originally, I was thinking handmade greeting cards, but then I began painting plates & jars...hmmm that was kind of fun!

I finally figured out my vinyl cutter, which had been sitting in the box since the Christmas before!! Well, once I started cutting, I knew that was one of the directions I was definitely going! It wasn't long until I was able to combine the two! Bless You jars, and spin offs of Bless You jars have been one of my most popular sellers.
I started doing a few craft shows with one of my life long friends (also named Lisa, by the way), and eventually I learned that BOY, that's A LOT of work! Setting up, tearing down, not being able to leave your table -unless you have a buddy along, and making small talk with other vendors. This year, I learned that the smaller the event, the better money I make, the cheaper the booth space, the friendlier the patrons, and all in all just a better experience in general. --Don't get me wrong, if one of those big convention center shows comes calling, this girl is going to the four day show! -But High School shows are just not something that work for me. After realizing that the smaller shows are better for me, I decided that I will set up at shows that benefit a worthy cause, and even the ones who are new at putting on events. So far, it is working (for me -it may not work for you).
Much of my business in the first year has come from Facebook. I have been very consistent in posting my my Facebook page, and every once in awhile to Facebook Marketplace. I only post to Marketplace if I have an item that is already a hit among my Facebook followers. - One thing I learned this week from my cousin who is a marketing guru (like, really) is that my Facebook page was kind of all over the place. One day I posted jars, the next day t-shirts, the next day plates, etc.. His advice was to streamline my Facebook page in a way that would showcase a different product each week, create albums to separate different products, and more or less quit looking so sloppy & all over the place, so that's what I am trying to do now.
Which leads me from where I began to WHERE DO I GO? I knew I needed a website. I knew I should be set up for online shopping. I knew I needed to have an attractive site. BUT like many small businesses starting out, I didn't have a lot of funds to get going. I was able to buy my domain name, and start on this platform. So far, maybe so good. I will be honest, I'm still struggling a little bit with SEO, with layout, and with getting this whole thing up and running, BUT I'M TRYING, and unfortunately (to some who don't think trying is good enough) I am further ahead today than I was yesterday, because I AM trying -and in the midst, I am accomplishing. Sure, it may not look perfect when you visit the site today, but come back next week, and the week after.
Next time, maybe I will talk about really getting started, name & all. But I just wanted to let you all know, it's a work in progress - me, my business, my website, my life - but progress is progress!
